band member: Duncan Phillips
purpose, position: lead drummer & percussion
- full name: Duncan Arthur Phillips
- birthday: March 3, 1964
- birthplace: Nambour, Queensland, Australia
- from: Nambour, Queensland, Australia
- now living in: Franklin, TN, USA
- known as: Duncan, Squiz
- position: drummer; percussionist
- Newsboy since: 1993
- song credits: co-wrote "Love Liberty
- married to: Breeon (born Wood; worked
for inpop Records promotions
one time...)
- weeding day: May 31, 1998
- children: 3 kids - daughter Taylor Holden
Phillips (born on June 16, 2002), daughter Madison Phillips (born on
August 4, 2004), son Jack Dillon (born on April 1, 2007)
- known for: being one of the friendliest
guys to ever live
- unusual job: picking strawberries
- hobbies: surfing, listening to music,
camping, motorcycle riding, snow skiing.
- favorite song off "Going Public" (1994):
"Elle G."
- favorite song off "Take Me To Your Leader"
(1996): "Lost The Plot"
- bands before Newsboys: Scary Cats (Australian)
and one called "Judah" (Australian - still active!)
- Started out in the band as the keyboarder in 1993, then as the percussionist
in 1994 and switched to drums in 1997.
- recently he's working for inpop Records a bit - he did (and does)
jobs as the Executive Producer (Go Fish, The Waiting; "Unshakeable")
and is playing percussion on records...
- used to be a surfer
- he and Peter were in rival bands back in Australia