band member: Peter Furler
purpose, position: lead singer, producer
drums, guitar (and all what is in need), main songwriter
- full name: Peter Andrew Furler
- birthday: September 8, 1966
- birthplace: Mclaren Vale Hospital, South
Australia, Australia.
- from: Sunshine Coast, Australia (Hometown:
Adelaide, South Australia)
- now living in: somewhere in Franklin,
TN (USA) or Nashville, TN (USA) ?
- known as: Peter; Pete
- nicknames: McCracken, 'Pietro the juggler
of Death', Baldy, Dood
- married to: Summer. He met her in Atlanta,
Georgia at a Bible Study. He says that she is his biggest encouragement.
- children: none yet
- parents: father: Bill (pastor) / mother:
- siblings: Debbie, Vicki, Mark,
Julie, David
- father in law: Mylon
LeFevre (former christian singer)
- mother in law: Anne LeFevre
- position: lead vocals; occassional drums,
guitars etc.; producer
- the band: Vocalist and guitarist for
the Newsboys. He started out as the drummer and background vocalist.
Also was the designated rapper for the group back in those days. He
has been to every state except Alaska. He does not think that he is
famous. One thing he likes about the band is that they have never been
a rip-off.
- Newsboy since: it's beginnings in 1986
(band's early name for a short time: "The News") - founder
of the band together with George Perdikis!
- writing credits: pretty much every Newsboy
- known for: being able to do almost anything
pertaining to the band
- special info: he was a vegetarian (no
- first job/unusual job: Aquatic instructor
- biggest influence: Jesus Christ
- hobbies: Surfing at Point Nashville
- pets: dogs named Bull, Coco
- bible verse: Psalm 139
- bible story: Joseph
- role model in the bible: Jesus
- team: Atlanta Braves
- place to play: Red Rocks Ampitheatre
outside of Denver, CO
- songs he has written: Peter has written
or co-written every song the newsboys have released so far
- restaurant: 4th & Main
- snack: Melba toast
- thing about tour: meeting new people
from different states and seeing familar faces of fans they've met and
come to know over the years
- cartoon: Scooby-Doo
- favorite subject in school: lunch
- favorite song off "Going Public" (1994):
"Elle G."
- favorite songs off "Step Up To The Microphone"
(1998): "Hallelujah", "Believe", "Entertaining
more info:
- dream car: FB Holden
- song that could not be improved upon:
"40" live by U2
- weirdest thing a fan has given him: a
- most embarrassing moment: "Mine
was my first show in Germany, sang with my eyes closed and never said
anything at all."
- most embarrassing moment part 2: He got
stuck under the rotating drum kit, and the crew had to cut him down
as hydraulic fluid sprayed all over the band and the front row.
- if he wasn't a Newsboy: Would have become
a fireman
- used to have hair
- his white disco shirt was designed by some western store in Nashville
- thing he won't go on tour without: four
other guys
- first concert: played at his sister Julie's
16th birthday party
- wears Dulce&Gabanna cologne
- loves motocross
- gets dizzy every night after the rotating drums set
- gets extremely nervous before every show
- never goes anywhere without a dictaphone
- Peter became a Christian at the age of 17
- testimony in one word: newcreationchangingdaily
teenage years:
Lived in Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia. Time divided between surfing
and the band. Band was for a small amount of time tentatively titled
"The News". Founded by Peter Furler and George Perdikis, as
drummer and guitarist respectively. John James joined as lead singer
shortly afterwards. Practiced in Family Garage continually. Drove siblings
insane throughout his entire youth with his banging on anything, the
back seat of the car, his lap, anything! Can remember listening to the
radio and hearing the first chord of a guitar/song and knowing right
away who the artist and which song it was. Was one of those kids who
basicly walked around with a radio on his shoulder.
Peter Quotes:
»We've never taken ourselves all that seriously, believe me.
I mean, when grunge is huge and everyone's walkin' around in plaid
flannel shirts, we got a guy dressed in gold and silver and red suits
on stage, so anyone who takes that seriously is missing the point.«
»The two sides of the band are just a reflection of who we
really are anyway. I mean, I like a lot of fun on the road, but at
the same time I'm pretty serious and a lot of things concern me all
the time, and nearly every member of the band is like that... but
that doesn't keep us from having tag-team wrestling on the bus at
five in the morning!«