band Casting Pearls biography
»Yo! Welcome to our bio page. Whatchoowannaknow? How bout the
stizzory bout our pizzast? We were born, learned how to make a joyful
noise with our respective instruments, and most importantly, discovered
rock and roll. We get our live on in Lincoln, Nebraska, but we're more
than ready to rise up and get our travel on in Scott's jeep to rock
your face off (it won't hurt
too much).
We're all grinny about our new record - we call it rock.
We recorded it with our funk-soul bruthuh, Dave Clo (of all-star
united) in Nashvegas, Tennessee and we're sooo stoked about it!
Power-pop marinated in the flavors of the Foo
Fighters and Queen!
And so, 5 years, 40,000 miles, 457 shows, 3,000 records and 45 gallons
of fountain soda later, here we are, Bryan, Case, Lee, and Scott. We've
written songs with big-time producers and been whined and dined by hot
shot label guys, and all we've got to show from it is free meals and
leather pants. Ain't no ring on this band's finger, it always seems
to land on the friendship tip. So it seems we've remained ghetto kids
through it all. Come out and see our show - we'd love to get to know
you. Much love!«